Over this past weekend we hosted a booth at the Lucas Oil Off-Road Expo in Pomona,Ca. It was fun checking out all our friends and all they are coming out with.
So this blog is about how to keep your employees busy but how to have fun at these expos in your booth.
1. Beer. If you give them beer, they will work. I figured this out years ago when my boss gave me one.
2. Relax! Enjoy the atmosphere and whats around you! Talk with customers and future ones! No one wants to talk to a grumpy person.
3. Give them something to do! I wish that everyone would get this, but not everyone does. Your average employee would rather you give them something to do then they do it themselves. Be friendly about it though (they tend to work extra harder)
4. Get a booth next to the guys who tend to have models. Lets just say, it gets fun.
5. Last but not least, give them something cool to give out, we all know we hate grabbing brochures unless they are legit and cool looking, so hey want the attention? Give them something to get the attention!
Here is a video from the Lucas Oil Off-Road Expo